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Manifestos for the 2024 UK general election

Here are the general election manifestos we’re using for our 2024 election survey.

We cover the main political parties in the UK (see our FAQ for how we select them). You can also find the full list of 2024 candidates in your constituency

2024 UK general election manifestos

In order of their publication date, the list so far is:

Liberal Democrats 2024 manifesto (published 10th June 2024)

Download the full version and costings
Download the Scottish Liberal Democrats 2024 manifesto  

Conservative & Unionist Party 2024 manifesto (published 11th June 2024)

Download the manifesto and costings

Green Party of England & Wales 2024 manifesto (published 12th June 2024)

Download the long version and costings

Plaid Cymru 2024 manifesto (published 13th June 2024)

Download the manifesto

Labour 2024 manifesto (published 13th June 2024)

Download the manifesto and costings

Reform UK 2024 manifesto (download) (published 17th June 2024)

Scottish National Party 2024 manifesto (published 19th June 2024)

Download the manifesto 

Parties we didn’t include in our survey

Some parties didn’t meet the criteria for inclusion on our policy comparison survey, even though they met one out of the two required conditions (having at least one Westminster MP and more than 70% candidate coverage of the entire UK or the single country in which they are campaigning). 

Scottish Greens 2024 general election manifesto
Download the manifesto

Alba Party 2024 general election manifesto 

Please note: you might be interested to know we are developing a 2024 manifesto policy catalogue to allow different ways to view and group policies from the manifestos of those parties we included in our main survey. 

For example, you can Plaid Cymru’s 2024 manifesto policies on Crime, or compare Labour vs Conservatives policies on Economy, or see what the different parties are promising on income tax. There is also the option to view specific policies on a given topic, such as the Green Party’s policy on Israel and Palestine.

It is very much in development and the list pages are not yet user-friendly, but they will improve soon and we are keen to develop them with your feedback. 

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